18—22.10.2021, Belgrade, Serbia
Virtual conference

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Aleksandra Maluckov

Scanning band topology by the modulation instability


Synergy of topology and nonlinearity either inherently present or activated in photonic systems opens new gates for fundamental science and discoveries of new functionalities of the devices [1]. We are challenged by the sensitivity of the band topology to the modulation instability and vice versa, related bulk-edge correspondence and nonlinearity driven topological phase transitions in photonic lattices [2]. Here, our first findings in this emerging field will be briefly presented.
[1] D. Smirnova, D. Leykam, Y. D. Chong, and Y. Kivshar, Nonlinear topological photonics, Appl. Phys. Rev. 7, 021306 (2020).
[2] D. Leykam, E. Smolina, A. Maluckov, S. Flach, D. A. Smirnova, PRL 126, 073901 (2021).